Sportnation Landing Pages

Introduction: is an online bookmaker operating in the UK, known for its Rewards Programme: loyalty offer, where everytime you bet or play in a casino, you’ll earn points, just like air miles or a store card. The more selections you make and the higher the stake, the more you’ll earn. Regardless of whether you win or lose.

The Research:

I was tasked by the marketing team to design a new landing page with the newest welcome offer for both – betting and casino customers. As an inspiration, I was given the landing page used by our online casino brand Lucky Dino as it was bringing significantly more traffic than the page Sportnation was currently using. 

The Design Process:

As usual, I started with drafting simple mockups. I kept the layout from the example page but applied Sportnation signature elements like the big orange button on the bottom. Also, I added “Popular games” section showcasing slot games and the providers for the casino version.  The terms and conditions section was added as it is required to be visible by the UK gambling commission.

After a discussion with the marketing manager, we decided to make some changes in the design to match it more to the Sportnation website layout. 

Next, I applied the colour scheme and designed the final banner imagery for the offers. I made a decision to keep the neutral grey in the background but make it more interesting by adding appropriate patterns.

The tools I used were Sketch, Photoshop and Illustrator. 

During the entire process, I collaborated with the marketing manager, head of design and software developers. 

The Results

Julita Śmiarowska 2023